The Mentors Care Podcast

Ep.17_Meet Dena's Mentor (Pastor Bruce Prindle)

Mentors Care Season 1 Episode 17
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00:00 | 37:08

Dena Petty comes full circle when she interviews her own personal mentor and one of Mentors Care’s founding supporters more than 11 years ago. Her conversation with Lead Pastor Bruce Prindle of First Baptist Church of Midlothian reveals the wisdom and advice he gave to Dena that launched Mentors Care on the right trajectory to success. 

This episode is a reminder of the impact we have in people's lives as we listen more than talk and release kindness more than judgment.  

Mentors Care is a non-profit organization that implements a proven method of mentoring students at risk of not graduating high school. Its volunteers are trained to encourage ACTION, HOPE, and a FUTURE for every student who participates in Mentors Care.

For more information about how to support Mentors Care or how to become part of the Mentors Care family, contact us at or visit

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